Live pristinely


Raw and pristine, nestled among the dunes.
H²O has arrived.

Experience peace. Feel openness.

Picture of renowned architect Stéphane Beel

Maximal architecture

Designed by renowned architect Stéphane Beel.
Based on the concept of sea, salt, and sand.
Two villas come together, like water and air, in H²O.

Terribly delightful

The sea gives and takes. Excitement and tranquillity. Morning and evening. Still and wavy. Familiar and surprising. Blunt and sharp. The sea as an oxymoron, the figure of speech that brings contradictions together.

H²O is a unique Gesamtkunstwerk by virtuosos in their field: Stéphane Beel, Piet Stockmans and Jacques Wirtz. Static architecture set against an ever-moving sea. Two villas, which are one with each other, like water and air.

Calm chaos

H²O is the result of decades of experience. The concept is BEEL at his finest. You could say the design is obvious, but not minimalistic. “The term minimalism implies simplistic. That is absolutely what it is not.” Stéphane is referring to the work of the writer Hugo Claus, whose poems he used to illustrate. “Do you know why Claus’ poetry leaves such a lasting impression? Every word hits the mark. Not a single one is superfluous.”

The connection between the sea and the dunes had to remain intact. “There is no place where you are more connected with the entire world than by the sea”, says Beel. But future residents will also want to be able to retreat. “Peace is underrated in architecture”, says Beel. “However, peace at home is not a luxury when the chaos of life takes over.”

Experience peace.

Live pristinely

Rugged Nature

Here, on the highest dune ridge on the Flemish coast, three renowned professionals met. Here, in the last remaining piece of unspoilt nature, was where the ideas of architect Stéphane Beel, porcelain artist Piet Stockmans and landscape architect Martin Wirtz came and flowed together.

Shrimp fishermen at work

The result? H²O, a unique gesamtkunstwerk.
Two homes, as complementary to each other as water and air. A haven of peace in a picturesque location.

You can find Villa H and Villa O a stone’s throw away from the sea in Sint-André, which is also called the ‘Zoute of the West Coast’ because of its exclusive and discreet atmosphere. Right in the heart of the dune reserves Ter Yde, De Schipgatduinen and De Doornpanne, with plenty of hiking, riding, mountain biking and cycling trails. The beach is only a few steps away, down the dunes, away from the tourist crowds. Spot shrimp fishers on horseback, against a backdrop of white beach cabins, marine birds and kite surfers.

Local strolls

So much to see, so much to experience. Oostduinkerke and its surroundings are more than worth discovering.

Shrimp fishermen at work
  • Sample the fresh fish and seafood along this gastronomically outstanding stretch of the West Coast
  • Craftsmanship, terroir and passion at butcher Dierendonck and a serving of iodine at Mare Nostrum
  • Improve your swing on the beautiful Golf ter Hille course
  • Ride the waves in the largest Belgian water sports zone right outside your door
  • Keep your horses in one of the neighbourhood stables
  • Feed your imagination in the nearby museums, cultural centres and galleries

International Hub

London, Paris, Amsterdam. Three major cities
with one place to unwind in their midst: H²O.

Visualization of a map
Sketch of a building

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